His Property
His Property Collection
Allison West
Published by Blushing Books
An Imprint of
ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.
A Virginia Corporation
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Allison West
His Property Collection
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EBook ISBN: 978-1-64563-282-5
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Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design
This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.
The Emerald Virgin
The Amber Voyeur
The Sapphire Sacrifice
Allison West
Blushing Books
Blushing Books Newsletter
The Emerald Virgin
His Property - Book One
Chapter 1
The blast of gunfire pierced Aria's eardrums and forced her to freeze. Although she wanted to flee, she couldn't. Lying in a pool of blood, royal guards gunned down her mother. Sophia, her mother, had protected Aria, until her last dying breath, from those monsters.
At eighteen, women were required to come before the king and his four sons, to offer themselves as a courtesan. The princes took only those they found most attractive and alluring. The rest were returned to their homes with a brand on their wrist proving they had been through the process and rejected.
Sophia sheltered her daughter from the tradition, knowing that Aria would be most appealing to Prince Henry. Everyone in the kingdom knew that he searched for a virgin with green eyes, an emerald, a rarity in this part of the world, after the horrific genocide that had slaughtered millions.
Lucky Aria was born with blue eyes during the war. At age seven, the color gradually shifted from blue to green. The war may have ended, but she would never be safe. Democracy had fallen and a king had risen in its place.
The king had a desire for virgin flesh, and when his sons reached eighteen, they were given a monthly allotment of young women to choose from.
How had the palace gotten wind of Aria's existence? Once her eyes had changed from the blue of the ocean to the green of the grass, the young girl had been kept inside the cottage, sheltered from others. Of course, she snuck out, catching a glimpse of moonlight and stars speckling the night sky, but she always stayed close to home. In her years growing up, she had befriended Ethan, her nearest neighbor, who had only a few years on her. The boys were the lucky ones, never having to come before the court and offer themselves to the throne, whether they wanted to or not.
The ceremony at eighteen was supposed to be an honor. On the fifteenth of every month, the women who had reached eighteen were brought into court and presented to the princes. Women who were accepted were supposedly lavished in luxury. No one knew what happened, because those women didn't return home, ever. Aria didn't buy it. Not with the way those men had stormed into her home and murdered her mother.
"You're coming with us," the taller of the two men said. He grabbed Aria's waist and tossed her over his shoulder. She kicked and her arms flailed, trying to fight back. It did no good, as she was small in size and stature.
Aria should have known she couldn't hide forever. It had been five years since her eighteenth birthday. She began to think she'd been long forgotten. At night, she prayed that luck would be on her side. Birth records were lost in the war along with most of the government's historical records and documents. Aria had hoped hers had burned in the fires that had ravaged the city.
At twenty-three, she would be sentenced to death if a prince didn't choose her, for disobeying the laws of the kingdom.
"Sedate her," the man standing by the door said. He was the one who'd fired the shot that killed Aria's mother.
Aria screamed as loud as her lungs would let her, "Help!"
No one could hear her pleas in the cottage in the middle of nowhere. Even if someone would have been nearby, no one would be stupid enough to face off with the royal guards.
The scorching sun blinded Aria as the guard carried her out into the heat. Her forehead glistened with sweat, and a needle pierced her arm. Her vision waivered, but she fought the sensation as her eyelids drooped.
"No!" she attempted to scream, but the sound came out more like a faint whisper, begging for release. "Please. Let me go."
"Can't do that," the man carrying Aria said.
The second man opened the back of the van and tossed the girl inside. She worried she may never experience freedom again. Her eyes shut, and she passed out.
Aria woke to the sound of rushing water, and her eyes flashed open. Where had they taken her?
Fluffy and soft beneath her, she sunk into the mattress. Were they trying to show her the pleasure of being a slave to the prince? Aria saw nothing she wanted to be a part of. Her mother was dead. She swallowed the sadness and fear and sat up.
Dressed in a robe, she couldn't help but wonder who had taken her clothes? She clenched the plush garment around her naked body, uncomfortable.
"Don't be shy," a woman said as she brought a pitcher of water and a glass beside the bed. "You should drink. The sedative can be quite dehydrating." She poured half a glass and handed it to Aria. "I'm Clara," she said, introducing herself.
"Aria." She sipped the water, feeling it slide down her throat. Holding the cold glass forced a tingle through her hands and arms.
She felt the older woman's stare. It was probably because Aria had green eyes.
Clara didn't comment on them, but she also couldn't tear her gaze away either. "You look a bit older than the other girls brought in," Clara said.
Aria considered lying about her age, but what good would it do? The men had come to her home and dragged her to court. It wasn't as though she willingly arrived here on her own when expected.
"I'm twenty-three," Aria said and placed the empty glass on the nightstand.
Clara's expression grew grim. "I see. There's no time to get ready. You slept through the preparations. You are to follow me to be presented to the four princes."
Aria planted her feet on the ground and shivered from the cold marble floor.
"Come with me, and leave your robe in here."
Though she didn't want to go or do as she'd been told, what choice did she have? How far could she get on foot? Besides, her house was now property of the court because her mother had hidden Aria and lied to the king. If Aria were to survive, she had only one chance.
Aria stepped out of the robe and raised her right arm to cover her breasts and her other hand to cover her most intimate parts. She didn't like this one bit.
"Don't be shy. Believe me, we've seen it all before," Clara said and walked out of the room.
Aria hesitated but followed her out into the hallway. Forty young women stood naked in the hall.
The young emerald stalked past an array of women with their hair down in curls or wrapped in braids. Her dark locks were brushed but in no way elegant. Many of the women wore makeup, their eyelids coated in rich blues and greens. Were they trying to make their eyes more appealing for Prince Henry?
Another girl Aria passed in the hall wore cherry red lipstick. "Want a
kiss, darling?" she asked and puckered her lips. Aria guessed the girl didn't like her staring.
There were women at both sides of the hall, and Clara found an open space and positioned Aria against the cold stone material. She shivered, and her nipples hardened from the temperature.
"Hands down, ladies," a voice echoed through the small, confined space.
Aria turned her head as King Gideon walked down the hall in their direction.
The women dropped their arms and stood up straight, proud.
Aria kept her intimate parts covered as best she could, not wanting to be there. The king strolled toward her and stopped, staring at her.
"What did I say, young lady?"
Was he going to humiliate Aria in front of everyone? "My hands are down," Aria said. They were covering herself. He didn't say hands up!
The king stepped forward and grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head. His eyes raked over her body before meeting Aria's eyes. His stare lingered, recognizing the green irises. "Henry will take a liking to you, perhaps. How old are you?" King Gideon asked.
Aria stuttered under her breath, afraid to answer.
"Speak up, girl!"
He dropped his hold and nodded, taking a step back. "You'd better hope Henry or another one of my sons wants you. Otherwise, I might have to take you as my own courtesan."
Her stomach tensed and fear clutched at her heart, causing it to quicken. She'd heard stories of King Gideon and the women he liked to bed. Aria did not wish to be one of them. She refused to answer and exhaled a sigh of relief when he grew bored and walked past her to the next girl.
"You can take me as your courtesan." The fiery redhead with dark crimson lipstick grinned.
The king stepped closer to her, his fingers dancing down her stomach and into her matching curls. Her eyes slammed shut, and she rocked her hips against his touch.
Just watching the two of them, Aria's body responded in kind, flushing from warmth, and an ache built between her thighs.
"You will come for me," he commanded, and she watched his digit slide deeper into the girl's pussy.
The redhead moaned, letting him and all of the girls know that she'd reached the brink. His fingers slipped out, and he lapped at her juices on his digits. "Maybe I will fuck you later if my sons don't choose you first."
He took a good inhale of her neck, smelling her sweat and sex before examining the next girl down the row.
When the king finished his examination of the women for his sons, the double doors opened and the four princes stepped into the room.
August, Henry, James, and Aaron.
Everyone in Brayleigh knew Prince August was the most arrogant of the four brothers and the dreaded prince to whom no courtesan wished to be bound.
"I get to choose first this month," Prince August said as he walked through the hall examining each girl.
Aria glanced away, her eyes downcast on the floor hoping not to draw unwanted attention to the color of her eyes. She hoped that if he couldn't see her green eyes, perhaps he wouldn't want her. Part of her feared that August would choose her just to piss off his brother, Henry.
August stopped in front of Aria. It felt as though Aria had been wearing a sign that read 'torment me'. His hand reached out and his thumb lifted her jaw. Aria's eyes locked onto his. "Oh look here, brother. An emerald to your liking. Maybe I should take her."
A girl standing across from Aria interrupted August, "Why take an emerald, when you can have a diamond?" Her body glistened. She must have worn glitter, as it covered every inch of her porcelain skin.
August spun around on his feet and looked her over, seeming to approve. "What's your name?" August asked.
"Ruby." She laughed and leaned one hand against his chest. The smile never left her lips as her other hand tangled in her blonde hair, twirling one finger along the end of her strands. Why would she want to be with August?
"Experience?" August asked, staring at Ruby from head to toe, examining every inch and freckle of her naked torso.
"None. I'm a virgin, but I will submit to you and fulfill your every desire." Her hand, that had been on his chest, reached for his lips. She slid one finger past his mouth. "I'm willing to do anything you command."
"I'll take this one!" August said, grabbing her arm and pulling her from the line.
Clara led Ruby through the double doors. She glanced back over her shoulder and winked at Aria.
Henry walked among the hall, glancing over each potential woman to take as his courtesan. He guided right past Aria. "Too old," he muttered under his breath. He didn't so much as slow down, and she felt both relief and disappointment. It wasn't as though she wanted to be his, but she wished also not to die by midnight. Her options were limited. Should she try to seduce Henry or another one of his brothers, just as Ruby had done? Why had the girl beside her flirted with the king? For what purpose, could she want to be with King Gideon? Filled with questions, Aria didn't expect a single answer.
"What's your name?" Henry asked a blonde girl halfway down the row.
"Such a pretty name for a lovely girl."
Sarah curtsied before the prince. "It would be an honor to be chosen by you, Prince Henry."
"And quite the charmer," Henry said and smiled. "You will join the ranks of my courtesans. Follow Clara down at the end of the hall. She'll lead you to my chambers."
"Thank you, Prince Henry."
Prince James walked among the young women, pausing four down from Aria. "How do you feel about being here?"
The woman smiled brightly. "Pleased to be in your court, Prince James."
"I see." James turned around and faced the women on the opposite wall. He stopped in front of a girl two over, coming closer in Aria's direction. "And what about you? How do you feel about being here?"
"I've been waiting my entire life to serve you, Prince James."
"M'hm," he said and spun around on his feet, coming to face Aria. Silently, she prayed for him to ignore her, same as Prince Henry had done.
"What about you, emerald eyes?"
"I'm frightened." It was an honest answer, and whether he wanted the truth or not, she'd given it. After all, he could see her quivering legs and trembling arms.
"And you should be," Prince James said.
Aria swallowed the lump forming in her throat. It made it near impossible to speak.
"Your name?"
"Aria, how old are you?"
She shifted on her feet, not wanting to answer but not having a choice either. "Twenty-three."
His jaw tightened and his brow furrowed. He reached for her arm and examined its blank slate. "Why did you not come here shortly after your eighteenth birthday?" he asked.
"I did not wish to be a courtesan."
Prince James looked conflicted, and Aria didn't blame him. He probably thought nothing of this life that he lived, where women line up naked and awaited their future. Who wouldn't want to bed a prince? Aria didn't imagine he considered any other side to the debate, and who was she to change his mind or the way the world was ruled?
"So you wish for death instead?" Prince James asked.
"Nothing of the sort. Your men murdered my mother in my home and dragged me to court to face you, naked and quivering. I wish to be branded and set free. I'm not interested in entertaining you or your brothers."
James' eyes narrowed. "That is not your decision to make, Aria."
Aria despised the way he said her name, as if he had some claim over her.
He stepped closer, and she held her breath. She could feel the heat radiating off his body and onto hers. His cheeks burned red. Had she inadvertently aroused him? She may have lived a sheltered life, but she knew what a woman could do to a man and vice versa. At that moment, Aria finally understood why her mother sheltered her from the outside world. It had been for Aria's own protection.
"Aria, welcome to my court and home. You will
be a courtesan in my chambers," Prince James said. He turned and raised a hand, snapping his fingers. "Clara, bring Aria to my chambers. Have her dressed and ready within the hour."
"Of course, Prince James," Clara said. She rushed toward Aria at once, pulling her from the line and down the hall for the double doors. Her smile wide, she looked quite pleased with the accomplishment. Did she not think Aria would be chosen?
Once out of the hallway, Clara lead Aria through another set of doors to an enormous waiting area outside the bathroom. A rack of gowns sat, lonely, waiting for them. "You will wear green," Clara said. "James prefers his women wear gowns the color of their eyes."
Aria knew she would stand out among them even more. She had hoped to blend in, avoid contact as best as possible with the prince.
Clara provided Aria with matching panties and a bra and then handed the young woman the single gown that hung from the rack.
"Get dressed. I'll be back to check on you in five minutes."
Aria wasn't sure why Clara afforded her any privacy after already seeing her naked. Unless she tended to the other young women who were chosen by the princes as courtesans. Aria quickly put on the new attire and stood around waiting for Clara to return.
Clara didn't bother knocking as she walked right in. "Good. You're done. Come with me," she said and led Aria through the door, down another hallway and into a large chamber. Nearly a dozen women lounged around the room. Eight of the women were in pale blue gowns. One wore an amber gown, and two others were in brown. Aria didn't have to approach them to know the gowns were the color of their eyes.
Aria grabbed Clara's arm, wanting to ask her a question. "Are all the princes fixated on eye color?" Did Prince James prefer exotic women, much like his brother Henry?